Friday, April 16, 2010

Time In The Garden

Weather wise ... yesterday and today have been perfect.  Potatoes and onion sets were planted.  The last of my veggie garden was double dug and tilled.  This is a fairly new garden.  Last year I planted lasagna style (layered).  With all of the composted manure hubby hauled in it was time to prepare a proper garden.  Our back property is slightly sloped and I have devised using peeled logs from our woods to make semi raised beds by terracing some areas.  Today I will get out my 'wall-o-water' (mini water filled devices) set out where the tomatoes and peppers will eventually be planted.  This will help warm up the soil ahead of planting and provide protection from frost.  You know I'm crazy about old time gardening tips ... so today I'll leave you with two places to visit.  One is at Tipnuts .. they are showcasing Sunset magazine gardening tips from the 1930's.  And two ... over to Larry's weed free vegetable garden.  He's been gardening since 1947 and has a wealth of information to share.  Enjoy your day ... get out and garden!