The inside walls are finished being painted. Ann wanted to know why the plaster wall texture looks uneven and like her grandma's walls :) She prefers the orange peel finish ... but I like the rustic texture of the hand applied plaster. My pictures (digital) are a bit hazy due to poor lighting inside ... and such bright outside light streaming through the windows. The bathroom, kitchen, and dining room floors are installed and look gorgeous. Next week the wood floors get installed. Tomorrow the trim molding and inside doors will begin to be installed ... and let's not forget that the electrician will begin putting

in all the plugs and switches. The big decision yesterday was almond or white switch/plug plates. I've opted for white (glad that decision is over :) The garage walls should be getting taped and textured soon. Today I've been searching for a rustic log for the fireplace mantel in the basement ... I think the example shown is what will be ordered. It's made from white cedar and is similar to what dh mentioned he liked. This morning I had the nerve to go shopping for living room couches. Hope dh approves ... he did mention leather. I'm picky about leather

and prefer the type that looks better with age, scratches, spills, etc. A less processed leather that is pretty indestructible with kids and ages well after time and use. It's been a busy but productive week. Looking like our home instead of just a bunch of pencil drawings on napkins
Photos: sofa and love seat ... same style but a wee bit lighter leather. Log mantels in showroom. Great room after being painted.