Down the HOME stretch: Over the past few weeks the place has taken on a finished appearance. Landscaping is underway with the installation of sprinklers and concrete curbing. On Monday we should have the front yard hydro seeded. For Mother's Day I received many pony-packs of beautiful flowers from the kids. These have been planted in the nooks and crannies of our front and rear rock retaining walls ... who needs flower pots??? The painter finished up on Tuesday and the trim and front porch came out great. The back acreage is such a lush emerald green filled with lots of wild flowers, ferns, strawberries, and young pine trees. Large trees stand guard and provide much needed shade on the back patio in the afternoon. From the front porch rockers you can watch the morning and evening activity of a woodpecker family that has made a cozy home in an old lopped off tree. I'm settling into a routine, one patterned after my earlier years living with my grandparents that includes a daily schedule, getting to bed early, taking time to smell the roses, and not over filling my day with too much busyness. Hurry back dear hubby ... our home is waiting for you!