The Mr. leaves tomorrow (sniff, sniff) ... we've had a productive two weeks in some ways ... but still not 100% unpacked from moving into our new home. Shuffling STUFF has become a way of life around here. In order to organize the garage, we had to clear out our basement storage room to get ready for the new carpet ... which evolved into getting carpeting in most of the basement, which means the whole area is a mess again! Of course, said carpeting is to be installed AFTER dh leaves (booo, hooo) ... in the meantime the garage is still disheveled. Dh is a stickler for organization. He likes to be able to walk blindfolded in any room (other than the kids') and find something. Can you believe he actually MADE me organize my desk (tsk, tsk) ;) I am a procrastinator ... and work best under deadlines ... so often put off tasks ... not dh ... Friday and Saturday we're having a huge garage sale ... to clear out some clutter. I'm thinking of hiring this local company that will list all your more valuable items on ebay and take a percentage of what gets sold. I just don't have the time, energy, or desire to do so ... yet don't want to just give away some things at the garage sale.
Photos: family room with storage room stuff; emptied out storage room