Tutti Fruity One side our our front yard consists of a long dirt berm. This was mainly formed when the good topsoil was pushed aside at the time our lot was leveled prior to building. Area is quite fertile with rich humus and receives sunshine all day long. Said berm is approximately 100+ feet in length and probably 25 feet wide. In the hopes of growing more food at home, I have planted two apple trees and one sour cherry tree. The apples are dependent on each other for pollination ... and the cherry is self pollinating. This area also is planted with different types of berries: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. Hence, I've dubbed it "Fruit Cocktail Hill." I have two table grape vines to also plant but first need to make a trellis for support. My back patio has two strawberry pots each holding about 11 plants. Last year I transplanted some wild strawberries amongst the rock retaining wall and now have large wild berry plants ... wild strawberries are very strong in flavor but are rather small ... delicious none the less.