Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My first posting - a leap of faith or craziness

Welcome to hodge:podge! This is my first posting in the world of blogging. I have stumbled across many inspiring blogs and have decided to jump on the band wagon and create one too. Our family has moved many times and I have come to realize that a home is not the building that you live in but by the things you put in that home to create warmth and a safe haven. We are currently renting our home and I hope to inspire others that no matter where you live your home can be a haven too.

Projects I am working on:

I have decided to finally paint my son's bedroom furniture. I have a hodge podge collection of hand-me-downs and Ikea in his room. My philosophy is to try to re-use what I have and would like to unify this hodge podge with nothing more that a can of paint. As my dear hubby can attest I paint everything! I am currently trying out Behr's Ultra paint and will post pictures soon. I think the primer is dry and need to slap on some more paint!