Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Asian Antique Furniture

Asian living has always been a charming living style. Embroidered floor carpets, wooden sitting benches, low lying wooden tables in square or round shape, small cabinets and lots of sculptures and other accessories. The mysterious look created by the Asian antique furniture and decor accessories for the living room have been a charm worldwide.

Asian antique furniture for the living room gives a very traditional and ethnic look. To create an Asian antique living room all you need is a carefully chosen Asian antique furniture set, or an assortment of different articles of Asian antique furniture and put them together. The popular articles of Asian antique furniture for living room include:

Wooden Bench
More than chairs, sitting benches were preferred in that times. These benches were the old times' sofa sets. Wooden benches were furnished with Asian prints in silk and other soft fabrics. Dark and deep colors like red, maroon, dark green, peacock blues with a touch of golden, silver and dark brown were majorly used in the sofa covers and also in other furnishings in the living room.

Living Room Cabinet
A small wooden cabinet, located near the door leading to the other rooms of the house was a popular Asian antique furniture article for the living room. Small cabinets specially the Tibetan style cabinets are still very popular among the Asian antique furniture. With their cute and traditional look, they don not look out of place in the living room, rather the cabinet tops are often used to display decor items, while the closed area is used for storage needs.

Low Tables
Low tables are the Asian style of tables. Not just for living room tables, even the dining tables in China and other Asian countries are low lying tables with floor seating. Get a low table made of wood and arrange for a floor seating cushions in Chinese fabrics and prints to complete the decor.

Creating Asian antique decor is not difficult. One just needs to choose the original or reproduction Asian antique furniture and splash in the some Asian print-and-color furnishings.