Saturday, July 10, 2010

Garden Temptations

Three years ago I purchased two bareroot blueberry plants that were on sale after season for $1.00 a piece.  This is the first year they have given me berries and they should be ripening up shortly.  Though not enough to bake a pie ... it does look hopeful for the coming years as the bushes have put on much new growth. 

The two apple trees have actual fruit this year.  These trees, along with a sour cherry tree were damaged last winter by our resident moose ... their fencing was reinforced and the distance from fence to tree was increased to keep Bullwinkle at bay.  No cherries this year.

The raspberry vines were from my neighbor last year. 

I wish growing up we had the good fortune of having garden fresh fruit and veggies.  The only time we had such treats was when we'd visit family in the Midwest on summer vacations.  Gardening would be easier had I learned how as a youngster.