Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Top 10 Bedroom Decorating Dos and Don'ts

Make yourself comfortable in the most important room in the house with these dos and don'ts.

Article taken off decoratorsecrets.com

Do's and Don't's of Bedroom Decorating

Consider function when decorating any room of your home, particularly the bedroom. The function is, of course, to provide a relaxing, comfortable environment for sleep.

Turn your bedroom into a multi-functional room. Sleep and comfort reign supreme in the bedroom, keep desks and work areas out of the room.

Paint your bedroom in a relaxing, serene color that makes you happy. Choose greens, blues and yellows - or the hot new color for the year, lavender.

Use faux painting techniques in the bedroom, when you can’t sleep, you’ll analyze every stroke of the finish.

Use paint samples on the bedroom wall to choose a color.

Choose color from a paint chip in the store.

Allow yourself to watch television in the bedroom, although sleep experts say you should not have a television set in the bedroom, reality says otherwise.

Allow your television to become the focal point of your bedroom. Make it as unobtrusive as possible or have an armoire or cabinet to hide it away.

Invest in a quality, comfortable bed. You’re spending at least ¼ of your day there, it’s worth it.

Keep your mattress and bedsprings for longer than 15 years – they wear out. If you notice your back is sore in the mornings and you’re more tired than usual, consider your bed comfort before scheduling the MRI.

Do decorate your bedroom as you would any other room in the house.

Skimp on furniture and accessories because no one else will see it.

Have all types of lighting in the bedroom – ambient, task, accent and decorative.

Rely on one overhead light for all your lighting needs.

Arrange furniture for you to easily enter and exit the bedroom without twists and turns – it’s bad Feng Shui decorating and it means furniture is not properly arranged.

Put the side of your bed against the wall or on a diagonal in the corner.