Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Tick Off A Lot Of Homesteaders

... urban and/or otherwise.  The Dervaes family of Pasadena, CA think they are the originators of urban homesteading and have foolishly been given a service mark (read 'trademark')  from the U.S. Trademark Office for the words urban homestead and urban homesteading ... after originally being denied .. and reapplying only to receive the service/trademark.  How lofty to think they originated the concept of stringing the two words together.  Are you an urban homesteader?  Do you find the action of this family ridiculous?  Somehow I don't think even having a service/trademark will stop people from the using the terms urban homesteading.  This is a way of life .. many people participate in .. many of whom hadn't even heard of the Derveas family .. and now I could care even less of their urban homestead should I have cared to find out about THEM in the first place.  I like to type urban homestead.  Urban homestead.  Urban homesteading.   .. with or without a trade mark. 

Read more:
Seasons Eatings Farm
Shallow Thoughts From Iowa
Roots Simple
EFF - Riding The Fences of the Urban Homestead Trademark Complaints