A first consideration is what materials will be used in your child's room. At first it may be ‘cute’ to create a room that will be a totally dedicated nursery for the new baby. This room will usually consist of pale pastel colors and delicate lacey fabrics. But what happens as the baby grows older, and becomes a toddler? Suddenly those pastel colors of pink, blue, yellow and green and delicate fabrics of silky cottons may no longer be practical to the one who must take care of the room.
So instead, when designing a room for that little one, a certain amount of “thinking and planning ahead” is required. Part of this “planning ahead’ means whatever you bring into the room that it be easy to care for, i.e. washable and durable, and can be easily changed as the child grows older and his/her tastes changes. Some teenagers will in all probability not want the frilly curtains, or a pastel bedspread.
Storage is another factor to be considered। Babies grow out of his/her clothes, they also accumulate these clothes plus other items, such as shoes, and accessories, so that storing these items can over time present an ever growing problem. How much closet space is available in the room? How much closet space is going to be required? Is the room big enough to house a child’s toy box. Will the room easily be able to incorporate built in’s , and if so, where will these go in the room? Department stores and home supply stores devote entire sections to the subject of room storage. Here modular units and cubicles can be found that provide an endless arrangement of ideas. Racks and shelving for closets also offer endless possibilities. And this is why a preliminary “planned” layout of the room is essential before installing any storage saving devices.