Oh, but the one thing this article has forgotten to mention is music! Don't forget to play some of your favourite music to complete that spa ambience! Happy soaking!
Article taken off iVillage.comAffordable Ways to Create Your Own Spa Bath
By Michele Capozzoli

Imagine yourself relaxing in a big spa bathtub, surrounded by bubbles, with candles flickering in the background. Sound relaxing? You don't need to buy an expensive day at a spa to find an escape like this. Make your bathroom into a place where you can retreat from the stresses of the day for less money than you think. Try these easy and affordable ideas to transform your bathroom into your own private oasis.
The Right Light Finding the right lighting for your bath can be tricky since your bathroom requires many different kinds of light to meet all your needs. It needs task lighting that's bright when you're putting on your makeup or brushing your teeth, but you also want to be able to turn the lights down when you're relaxing in the tub. One inexpensive way to adjust your lighting is to install a dimmer switch. They're available at most hardware stores and are easy to install.Clean and Organized A disorganized bathroom can feel cramped, so be sure to keep the clutter of toiletries to a minimum. Stash cosmetics and other products in the medicine cabinet, under the vanity or in the linen closet. The clean, sparse effect will help you let go of your worries so you can relax without the reminders of your daily routine.
Pamper Yourself There's nothing like the feeling of wrapping yourself in a big, plush spa towel. Pamper yourself by splurging on a large bath sheet that will envelope you completely when you step out of the bath. Choose a towel that's soft and absorbent for that spa-like feeling.
Protect Your Feet A bath mat is essential for a spa bath. Nothing can shock you back down to earth after your relaxing bath like the feeling of cold tile on your warm toes. Choose a mat that covers a large section of the floor so that you'll have room to move around without having to step on the floor.
Set the Mood Set a spa-like mood for your bath with the right accessories. Candles lightly flickering in the background and soft music are sure to help you forget your worries, at least for a little while.
Color Change One of the easiest ways to give your bath a new look is with a color change. A coat of paint is an inexpensive option that can completely transform the feel of your bath. Try white for a clean, crisp, sparse look. Or consider a rich neutral for an earthy effect. Either way, a couple gallons of paint and a few hours of work could give you the bath of your dreams.