Craigslist has been good to me this weekend. While on the hunt for a sideboard for our games room, I stumbled across this great mirror made from solid wood {it is heavy} for only $25! It is going to go into J's room {almost 15 year old daughter}.
She ended up in a new space after we made the great switch and I have yet to do anything with that space {much to her chagrin}.
This mirror, once painted {maybe black or Tiffany blue?}, will look fantastic, echoing the lines of her diamond tufted headboard,
I made a second one but am waiting for a sunny day to take photos.
So now I have another painting project to add to my never-ending-list!
Now onto the $45 gift certificate for CSN winner!
Drum roll please.............
It is,
{still can't get that darn random number generator onto my post;( }
{still can't get that darn random number generator onto my post;( }
shel704 at aol dot com