Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Eastern Oriental Encapsulates Modern Travel Experiences And Tips On Planning In Hong Kong Chinese

Eastern Oriental encapsulates modern travel experiences and tips on designing Chinese in Hong Kong, designed by CL3 Architects Ltd.. Name East because of the design concept that interprets the contemporary Oriental / Hong Kong travel experience of a playful world class, efficient, modern, a bit of Chinese culture. This is achieved using a simple and consistent material palette of two shade trees, lighting and classic pinstripe Elm and Walnut two different types of stone, Rio, and White Limestone Mocha. In addition, black and stainless steel are used to highlight the entire hotel.

The rooms are designed to open bath 270sq.ft. 128sq.ft room. window to maximize access to natural light and views. Six suites are 560sq.ft. using only a wood veneer and limestone flooring, interior finishes.