The vanishing fog blanket from atop the lake, the sparkle on the brook, the swaying buds amidst the dewy grass carpet, and the squirrels running from one tree to another – all say that the spring is almost here.
It's time to give your home a refreshing face lift. The walls need a fresh coat of color, your garden is longing for a small fountain that you promised it long time back, and then there's the attic window! Don't you think a window box brimming with springtime flowers and green grass will be just great for it? - There are so many things to do, and so little time! Don't freak. Just take one at a time.
Start with simple things that hardly need a blueprint to follow. First, pull up your rugs and mats, and reveal your floor. If you think it has lost its shine over the time, get it bleached. Next, turn to your walls, then the linens, the room decors and more.

Start with simple things that hardly need a blueprint to follow. First, pull up your rugs and mats, and reveal your floor. If you think it has lost its shine over the time, get it bleached. Next, turn to your walls, then the linens, the room decors and more.