Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DIY Memory Board~

Since I don't have any projects on the go at the moment I thought I would share a memory board I made for my youngest daughter (who isn't so young - turning 14 in 2 months!) a few months ago in my pre-blogging days.

I had a cork board in storage that I had recovered in gingham several years back. One lazy morning after rummaging through my leftover fabric bin for something to do (do you ever do that?), I decided to take some leftover Waverly Black Onyx fabric that I had used to make throw pillows to recover the cork board. 

I also have meters of black grosgrain ribbon, so I thought why not a memory board?
 Using a staple gun I stapled the fabric to wrap around the board. I cut the fabric about 2 inches bigger than the cork board to allow for the fabric to overlap. 

Next I laid out the ribbon diagonally over the front and stapled the edges on the back. I also had in my sewing bin some upholstery tacks to tack where the ribbon criss-crossed. 

To hang up the board I stapled fabric hangers so I could attach the board to the wall. 

Didn't cost me a cent and was quick, easy and cheap! 

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