- Two gallons of whole milk (we make buttermilk, yogurt & now kefir)
- 3 lbs of bananas
- 10 lbs of organic carrots
- 1 tub of cashews (I deferred buying vanilla at Costco til next month to get this for hubby;)
- 1 head organic romaine lettuce
- 5 lbs organic white whole wheat flour
- 1 small baggy of bulk dried organic thyme
- 2 bags of natural potato chips (such a deal .. some nice person left two $1 coupons behind;)
- 1 package of local specialty bacon
- 1 package of local specialty German sausage links
- 1/2 lb local specialty roasted turkey breasts for sandwiches
- 2 dozen local eggs
Local Stores: Tim's Custom meats ($17), Pilgrims Health Food Store ($9),
National Chains: Costco ($29), Walmart ($4)
local eggs ($4)
With or without economic hard times, are you on a living budget? If so, how do you keep on track?