Grandparents George & Elizabeth Burge with George Jr. |
... is one of my greatest sources of fond memories ... relating to ... all things homemade. She was raised on a farm and from what I can recall, cooked fresh .. grew a garden .. canned food .. baked fresh bread .. bottled hot sauce .. even cooked up squirrel for my pop when we'd visit. She was a living relic .. a holdover from a by-gone era that I had the privilege of knowing. As I swelter over a hot stove little images of grandma pop into my mind; she was always standing over a hot stove .. even in her old age. Hard work .. laundry done on a wringer machine down in the cellar .. hiking up and down those stairs with baskets of laundry .. hanging them outside to dry .. a big old cast iron cooking kettle on a tripod stood sentry over the backyard .. this I'm sure is where she would have cooked up her lye soap. She didn't have to worry about artificial ingredients poisoning her family ... very few ready made products ever made it home in her basket. She got up at the crack of dawn to make homemade yeast raised cinnamon rolls .. fry chicken .. bake biscuits. Her home is where I got my hankering for all things homemade. Do you have a grandma that inspired you?