Today the sun shone, occasionally, and I was able to get out into the garden to wash stones though I kept getting distracted by all the butterflies.

And then this would happen.

Yesterday we had 55mm of rain in 24 hours, half of it in just 2 hours. All the rain that falls onto the hillside gets caught on the road and then channelled down our gravel drive. Yesterday's deluge not only washed out most of the gravel that
Romas had been
barrowing up from the stream but overran the yard and threatened to flood out the waste water treatment thingy (septic tank). So out we went, clearing ditches and creating dams across the road to divert the water onto my neighbour's fields. Note- wearing shorts with wellington boots in heavy rain results in lots of water inside the boots. Peter had to try 3 different routes home last night to get round the flooded roads. When the postman came today he told me that many farmers' lanes had been washed away .
However, I've been reading a few blogs written by people in Louisiana, ( Thanks Julie for the 'Round the world' link,) and in comparison it wasn't all that bad.

Just another beautiful butterfly.