The day started with grey skies and stayed that way. Luckily it was dry so I spent most of the day working in the garden. You never know when it might rain for weeks and weeks.

Before going outside I looked through the sitting room window and what did I see?

trespassers from the stables next door looking for left-over cat food. The pup will be one they are 'walking' for the hunt. Let me declare myself now - I am anti-hunt. I am not a vegetarian and if a fox came and took any of the hens, which has never happened, I would be quite happy for the fox to be shot or for farmers to shoot any foxes that are attacking their livestock. The thing that gets me really cross is people chasing and killing foxes for a game, for their enjoyment. Fox hunting is banned and they are supposed to be drag hunting instead which I doubt very much, ha ha. If it was only about the ride then drag hunting would be ideal but you should have heard the fuss they made when the legislation was introduced. The hunt sometimes meet next door and the hunt master has been told by me in no uncertain terms that he is to keep his dogs off our land. Once in a while the hounds will rip peoples' cats up as well as chasing sheep. OK ... rant over.
Percy being cute as usual.

This is how you scratch an itch in a place you can't reach.
The big horses do this as well which is why the top rails keep getting broken.

Nothing more spectacular than this Cream Spotted Tiger Moth caterpillar. I did unearth a newt but hey we've had a photo of one of those.