First this rather cute cow who was peeking round the corner when I drove up the hill the other day.

I looked through the window this morning to see a cow that was right at the bottom of Ron's field. 'Ah' I thought, 'How sweet. ' Then I noticed that the cow had its head under the fence with the fence post broken and the wires all hanging. Whoops! The thought of a cow stomping around in the garden was not a nice one. It would a be lot of bother to get it back as it probably wouldn't go back across the stream and bank and instead have to be taken home by the road which is over a mile. Luckily it went back when it saw me and then I went out and repaired the fence. Technically I could have rung Ron to fix it but part of the problem was that I have cut back the hedge to give myself a view. If the bushes had been allowed to grow tree height as they are in the rest of the field then there wouldn't have been any chance of the cow getting in. Once I'd put in a new post and fixed the fence I filled the space with lots of holly branches from the trees that had overgrown the stream. So 2 jobs done, the fence and the holly trees cut right back. I don't think that cows eat holly ........ if they do then the whole herd will be in my garden! We've had visiting sheep and ponies but not cows, thank goodness.

Don't these trees look like 2
Ents dancing together?

This is also the view looking out of this window.
More usually there are sheep in the field, the lambs are a great distraction in the spring.
Went to work this afternoon and people seemed pleased that I will be teaching the reception children after Christmas. My Micra spent the afternoon in the garage having a dangling exhaust pipe welded. The house is now quiet as everyone except Romas has gone home.