It's true! Last week I kept discovering cats in the Rayburn warmer oven when I was drying out the work gloves and I took some cute pictures. But when I looked closely at the pictures no way was I going to publish them. I may have been
successful in getting my sons to cook but cleaning up their spills obviously doesn't occur to them. So on one of those many rainy days I set to with sponges and soap. The
Rayburn is awful to clean because it is always hot, every spill bakes on and the enamel surfaces will scratch if you are too
vigorous with your cleaning. I can see I've missed some spots but it was much worse. Then I had to make sure the floor and mat were hoovered as well and of course the hoover just kept on going until most of the downstairs was done. ( Not being at work all day also helps with the housework).
Squeeky has spent most of the day 'cooking' herself in the warmer.

Going to work this morning it was grey and wet.
Coming home coincided with a sunny spell.

Then I had to take a few more gateway pictures.

All within 50m of each other.

I popped into town before work and it was packed. I couldn't find a parking space in 2
car parks so ended up parking further out in a residential street and walking in. That's what I normally do to save the car park fees but today I had some heavy bags with bits for the charity shop. I love getting rid of stuff. Friends who know me will probably be falling about laughing at this point but I am
de-cluttering, honestly. What's that saying? "Keep only the things you know to be beautiful or useful." but of course you have to keep all the things that might be useful - one day.
School was fun, so much less stressful without having to worry about planning, or the curriculum, or assessment -that's for the class teachers to do.