I've been an off again .. on again baker for several years. The past few months have been ON again. Trying to eliminate hidden
Frankenfoods and unpronounceable ingredients from my diet make it necessary. Yesterday's bread came out rather tasty, good textured, and very flavorful .. although I let it rise a bit too much as it came out rather bulbous. This will make a good sandwich loaf as I added caraway seeds. Baking bread is a good way to use up extra cooked oatmeal from breakfast, or a dab of mashed potatoes from dinner. If these leftovers are not available, I cook and mash a small potato to add. I like to make the dough in my bread machine .. then shape the dough, let it rise, and bake in my oven. You can play with the dough while it spins in the machine by adding a bit more flour or liquid if you wing the recipe. Take a standard bread machine recipe and change it up. It's easy to do .. but check it for a good consistency (after it begins to knead, make sure the dough is neither too dry or too sticky) before walking away from the machine.

I haven't got a flour mill, but have discovered a good milled flour from Bob's Red Mill that you can buy at the market.

Bread freezes well if double wrapped in plastic bags. It's handy to have one or two loaves on hand for a backup emergency.
Photos: Mrs. Mac's home baked potato wheat bread with caraway, whole wheat Margarita pizza.