... are on the rise! There are so many different allergies ... food restrictions ... diets ... a person has to walk through a toxic mine field some days to eat. Hubby celebrated his birthday at his family's home today. There were lots of relatives ... many semi-homemade foods .. cakes, brownies, ice cream, chicken, tri-tip steaks, ham sandwiches ... a smorgasbord. I was realtively hive free until I had two bites of b/d cake ;( And my grandson picked up a peanut butter cookie off a platter ... he's allergic to p/b ... luckily his mom caught him before it was swallowed! I stuck with the tri-tip, spinach salad, carrot sticks and hummus. The good Lord surely didn't intend for us to eat this way. As a survival strategy ... I ran to Trader Joe's to stock up on edible .. non processed food stuff.