Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Road To Better Health

Three+ years ago I drank 8 ozs of orange juice and developed large hives that tormented me for six months.  Then the large welts were replaced with small hives.  They were unbearable!  I was taking Claritin four times a week .. I tried cold turkey going off the medicine .. but nearly went insane from the hives.  That's when I started rethinking my diet and eliminating processed foods.  The past month I went off the Claritin and have steadily been getting better from changing diets.  It's taken me a long time to detox from the years of preservatives and chemical laced foods.  My family is slowly warming up to the diet changes but more education is needed.  There are so many hidden things to watch for in the way our foods are grown and many places for contamination to take place in the food chain.  This is a eye opening adventure taken one step at a time. 

Mr. & Mrs. Mac with our sweetheart gloves;)