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How To Get Rid Of Mosquitos
Mosquito's Can Be Controlled

Safe Ways To Control Mosquitos
The Mosquito has been a pest to man all through history and spread yellow fever and malaria to many people over the years resulting in many many deaths. However there are few things you can do to decrease the Mosquito population in your homes yard and your neighborhood. These are.
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1. Mosquitos need standing water to lay their eggs and for the larva to develop into full grown mosquitos which will be biting you when your outside. Do a complete search of your home to ensure you have no standing water. If you have open trash cans replace those with ones with lids to keep water out. If this is not possible, bore holes into the bottom of your containers to ensure water cannot accumulate and stand in them. It only takes a little water for them to lay eggs in, so be sure you turn over and empty all containers. Turn every container that can hold water upside down if possible.
2. Be sure all your gutters drain well. You would not believe how little water it takes for mosquitos to grow and develop in. So make sure that all your gutters drain well.
3. If you have pools or containers of water that you can not empty add a couple of squirts of dish washing detergent to the water. It will stop the development of the mosquitos and they will not develop into adults.
4. You can fasten a couple of sheets of fabric softner to your clothing to keep mosquitos away when you are working in your garden or yard. You can also work in the garden or yard in clothing that has just been dryed in the dryer with fabric softner. You do want to be sure you use the Bounce Brand of Fabric Softner as it contains oleander and mosquitos can not stand it. If you live in the deep south consider adding some Oleander Bushes to the yard as part of your landscapping.
5. Vicks Vapor Rub or Listirine will also keep Mosquitos away. You can rub either on your exposed skin if your working in your yard , garden or on a fishing trip and no mosquitos will come near you.
6. Hairspray applied to a mosquito bite will stop the itching and pain.
7. You can also plant these plants in your yard and or garden to naturaly repel mosquitos.
A. Horsemint
Horsemint has a scent simular to citronella and mosquitos can not stand it.
B. Rosemary
Yes, the wonderful herb we use to flavor some of our favorite dishes with.
C. Marigolds
Mosquitos simply cannot stand it. Consider adding a row of marigolds to your garden to keep mosquitos and other pests away. Planting a row of Marigolds in your garden will also keep away gophers and moles.
D. Catnip
Yes the common catnip has a lot of other delightful uses also.
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil to Repel Mosquitoes
You can buy Lemon Eucalyptus Oil to repel mosquitos. You can buy it in your local health food store.