Here is a DIY project I undertook while we were building our home. Some years ago I had purchased a (formerly built-in) ironing board cabinet. After carefully stripping off the old paint (careful because the cabinet was very old ... and with the concern of there being some layers of lead based paint .. took no chances) and gutting the inner workings, I painted the unfinished inside .. and stripped down outside .. then sealed it with a waterproof satin clear coat. Added new 'vintage' hardware, flipped the cabinet upside down .. installed a piece of glass where previously there had been a metal vent plate ... added glass shelves .. and had our builder ... install it flush inside a kitchen wall. The new 're-purposed' cabinet is perfect to keep spices cool and away from the heat of the stove. It also holds both large and small containers of spices. Even with all of this space, our overflow is stored in small 1/2 cup jelly jars in the pantry .. a gal can never have enough spices ... or shoes;)